
Canadian cutie Currently confused My mother has always told me that I am wise beyond my years and often comments that I am "16 going on 30"

Friday, June 16, 2006


Would you look at that? I found something else I wrote.

Innocently dreaming, we are all consumed by our fantasies until we actually fall in love.
Those chocolate-covered, bubble-wrapped sweets that are always placed on the top of the highest shelf. The so-called, true meaning of happiness that apparently only takes a special significant other. Is this all that it can be, is it the ultimate fantasy? Perfect bliss and ecstasy?
Or is it the way you talk to me.
Isn’t it the way we used to be.
The little things we saw to be
Our inevitability.

Your laugh, my smile, the secret joke
My wishes, your dreams, so full of hope
Is this true
Did we really want the same thing.

But that seems so many years ago
I don’t know if it was real anymore
So I guess I’ll do the best I can do
Which is to say
I miss you.


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