
Canadian cutie Currently confused My mother has always told me that I am wise beyond my years and often comments that I am "16 going on 30"

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Recent glances at my calendar have drawn to my attention that the day before Halloween marks the end of me being 16.

I may as well make a new blog then...but only this time I will post regularly and stick to it, hopefully gain a few more faithful readers and enjoy it.

Now that I think about it, this blog was just a place to release my mundane frustrations about trivial matters instead of focusing on the real problems.

Wow. I do believe I have grown up quite a bit over the summer to realize that. Having said this, I am currently sick of being interested in any guy, although I'd be willing to do a post on a hot stripper I met while working this summer.

All in favour, say Ay.

Sinfully yours,



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