
Canadian cutie Currently confused My mother has always told me that I am wise beyond my years and often comments that I am "16 going on 30"

Friday, July 21, 2006

Heyy all!


Long time, guys.

Well I'm still not home and I don't get home till the 30th, but I've had an AMAZING time with friends in Toronto and now family in Washington D.C.

I may even post a picture of myself up here when I get back and have some time.

Btw -- the celiacs is still a huge trouble to deal with, but I've lost some weight and am pretty happy at the moment. My aunt here in D.C. even knows about a bakery that makes all gluten-free stuff, so I will not be without cookies and cake for much longer.

Anyways, was just missing reading all of yours blogs and although I havent had much time to catch up, I'm really looking forward to hearing what you all have been up to lately.

Much, much, much love,


P.S. I miss you too, Professor!